Richard Hamilton

Richard Hamilton, MD, MBA, FAAEM, FACEP, FACMT

Professor and Academic Chair

Department: Emergency Medicine

Specialties: Emergency Medicine, Medical Toxicology


  • MBA – Drexel University (2020)
  • MD - Hahnemann University (1987)
  • University of Pennsylvania (1983)

Memberships / Professional Affiliations

  • President of the Pennsylvania College of Emergency Physicians

Richard Hamilton, MD, MBA, FAAEM, FACEP, FACMT, is board certified in emergency medicine and medical toxicology and is a retired U.S. Navy Captain as well as a former Naval Flight Surgeon. He has been the department academic chair since 2006.

Dr. Hamilton's interests include medical toxicology, occupational and environmental toxicology and aerospace medicine. He is interested in the epidemiology of carbon monoxide poisoning, emergency preparedness and weapons of mass destruction, game theory and medicine, and drug and alcohol withdrawal. He is also interested in acceleration physiology as well as centrifuge training of commercial space flight participants. He is the Centrifuge Medical Officer for the NASTAR Center ( during the training of a number of astronauts as well as the Virgin Galactic Founders.


Clinical Services

Medical toxicology, Emergency medicine


  • San Diego Naval Hospital


  • Emergency Medicine - Bronx Municipal Hospital Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine


  • Medical Toxicology - New York University, Bellevue Medical Center

Affiliated Hospitals

Crozer-Chester Medical Center

Dr. Hamilton is academic chair of the Department of Emergency Medicine and associate dean for the Crozer Keystone Regional Medical Campus. He has been on the faculty of the College of Medicine since 1997.

Research Interests

Emergency medicine, medical toxicology, forensic toxicology, environmental toxicology, water quality standards, overdoses, poisonings, aerospace medicine, acceleration physiology, mathematical modeling of emergency departments



"Tarascon Pharmacopoeia 2016"
Editor-in-Chief: Hamilton RJ
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Sudbury, MA (2015)

"Yearbook of Emergency Medicine 2012"
Editor-in-Chief: Hamilton RJ
Associate Editors: Bruno E, Handley N, Quintana E, Mullin D, Ramoska E, and Minczak D
Mosby Inc., St Louis, MO (2011)

Book Chapters

"Plant Poisoning, Alkaloids - Quinolizidine and Isoquinoline"
Vearrier D and Hamilton RJ
eMedicine from WebMD (Updated April 13, 2014)

"Withdrawal Syndromes"
Hamilton RJ
In: Goldfrank's Toxicological Emergencies, Tenth Edition, Appleton and Lange, Norwalk, CT (2014)

Publications Peer-Reviewed Full-Length

“Building a resident research program in emergency medicine”
Nocera R, Ramoska EA, Hamilton RJ
Intern Emerg Med. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 26597875 (Nov 23, 2015)

“Coordination games, anti-coordination games, and imitative learning”
McCain RA, Hamilton R
Behav Brain Sci, 37:90-1. PMID: 24572231 (2014)

“Investigation of a safety-engineered device to prevent needlestick injury: why has not StatLock stuck?”
Griswold S, Bonaroti A, Rieder CJ, Erbayi J, Parsons J, Nocera R, Hamilton R
BMJ Open, 3:e002327 PMID: 2361643 (2013)

“Institutional MRSA screening practice and policies”
Joshi SG, Hamilton RJ, Emery CL, Brooks AD
Am J Infect Control, 40:901. PMID: 23116762 (2012)

“Commercial spaceflight participant G-force tolerance during centrifuge-simulated suborbital flight”
Blue RS, Riccitello JM, Tizard J, Hamilton RJ, Vanderploeg JM
Aviat Space Environ Med., 83:929-34. PMID: 23066613 (2012)

"Occurrence of and risk factors for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus at a teaching hospital in Philadelphia"
Gomes S, Altafi S, Garcia KM, Emery CL, Hamilton R, Brooks AD, and Joshi SG
Am J Infect Control, 40:381-3, Epub 2011 Aug 23 (2012)

"Emergency Department Overcrowding as a Nash Equilibrium: Hypothesis and Test by Survey Methodology"
McCain RA, Hamilton RJ, and Linnehan F
Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, 652: 91-102 (2011)

"Evaluation of a Novel Wound Closure Device: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial"
Singer AJ, Chale S, Giardano P, Hocker M, Cairns C, Hamilton R, Nadkarni M, Mills AM, and Hollander JE
Academic Emergency Medicine, 18:1060–4 (2011)

"Hyperbaric oxygen in the treatment of venomous snake bites"
McGrath T and Hamilton R
Undersea Hyperb Med., 37(6):393-4 (November-December 2010)

"Smallpox, risks of terrorist attacks, and the Nash equilibrium: an introduction to game theory and an examination of the smallpox vaccination program"
Hamilton RJ and McCain RA
Prehosp Disaster Med., 24:231-8 (2009)

"Improving Patient Safety With Ultrasonography Guidance During Internal Jugular Central Venous Catheter Placement by Novice Practitioners"
Griswold-Theodorson S, Hannan H, Handly N, Pugh B, Fojtik J, Saks M, Hamilton RJ, and Wagner D
Simul Healthc, 4:212-216 (2009)

"Caustics and Steroids – a case of Simpson's Paradox"
Hamilton RJ and LoVecchio F
J Tox Clin Tox (August 2008)

"Handbook of Poisonous & Injurious Plants"
Book Review: Hamilton RJ
Nelson LS, Shih RD, and Balick MJ
Ann Emerg Med, 2nd Edition, 51:218 (2008)

Peer Reviewed Published Abstracts / Research Presentations

"Sim ED: An innovative community of simulation case authors and learners on a cloud based platform that enables deliberate practice"
Hamilton R, Parsons J, and Griswold-Theodorson S
International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare, San Francisco, Calif. (2014)

"A RCT Comparing Virtual Reality Simulation versus Live Simulation to Teach ACLS Skills"
Farabaugh E, Erbayri J, Griswold-Theodorson S, Huynh V, Pasirstein M, and Hamilton R
Simulation in Healthcare: Journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare, Vol.7, Issue 6, p 469 (2013)

"Nanoporous Carbon as Biological Enterosorbent and Adsorbent for Hemoperfusion"
Dreher E, Dash R, Demirkan T, Yachamaneni S, Hamilton RJ, and Gogotsi Y
Biotech 2008 Innovation Corridor, Philadelphia, PA (November 2008)

"Emergency Department Overcrowding as a Nash Equlibrium"
Hamilton RJ, McCain R, and Linnehan F
Third World Congress of the Game Theory Society, Evanston, IL (July 2008)

"G tolerance of commercial space travelers"
Hamilton RJ, Vanderploeg J, Tizard J, and Leland R
Platform Presentation Aerospace Medical Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA (May 2008)

* This physician's clinical practice is independent of Drexel University.

Contact Information

Department of Emergency Medicine
245 N. 15th Street
MS 1011
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Phone: 215.762.2368
Fax: 215.762.1307