Nicholas Barber

Nick Barber

Goldwater Scholar, 2016-18
NOAA Hollings Scholar, 2016-18
Drexel Fellowships Ambassador, 2016-20
Gates Cambridge Scholar, 2018
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) Honorable Mention, 2018
Fulbright Study/Research Grant to Indonesia (declined), 2018
ConocoPhillips Scholarship, 2018

BS Geoscience '18, Honors

Drexel Faculty Mentor: Loÿc Vanderkluysen

Nicholas Barber was a geoscience student who minored in chemistry. He was involved in the OUR Undergraduate Research Leaders program and served as the first President in 2016-17. He also served as President of the Paleontology and Geology Club of Drexel for 2016-17 and continued as Vice President for 2017-18.

Nick began his undergraduate research experience in the Drexel Paleontology Lab, first as a volunteer and then continuing as a 2014 STAR student researcher. Under the guidance of Ken Lacovera, PhD, and PhD candidate Anna Jaworski, Nick studied the relationship between grain size parameters and sediment transfer dynamics along barrier islands in the Delaware Bay. This experience was transformative for Nick, who then pursued a research co-op working with Jerry Mead, PhD at the Academy of Natural Sciences on a project to build a model of freshwater stream energetics. Nick conducted research with Loÿc Vanderkluysen, PhD on building a refined volume estimate for the Deccan Traps in Western India, as well as constraining their chemical evolution using trace element geochemistry.

Currently, Nick is pursing a PhD in Earth Science at the University of Cambridge and seeks to explain the behavior of trace metals in volcanic systems. He aims to use a combination of fieldwork, isotope chemistry, and microanalytical measurements to better understand the pathways metals take through explosive subduction-zone volcanoes and associated ore deposits.

Related content:
Diving Deep: Two Honors College students receive prestigious NOAA scholarship (PHC Magazine) -- October 2016
Bees Students Named Drexel's First Hollings Scholars - April 2016
Hollings & EPP/MSI Undergraduate Presentation Awards 2017 - August 2017
Geoscience Major Completes Award-Winning Project in Seafloor Volcanology - December 2017
Drexel Staff are Your Most Valuable Resource (Drexel Paperclip)
Gates Cambridge Scholar Profile - February 2018
Cambridge Calling (Honor Bound) - Spring/Summer 2018
Drexel Student Finds Perfect Fit for Volcano Research Through Gates Cambridge Scholarship - May 2018
Follow My Lead: Nicholas Barber (COAS Ask Magazine) - 2018

Last updated, June 2020