The College of Engineering has announced two recipients of this year’s
Carleone Faculty Award. The program rewards active tenure-track faculty
members who demonstrate a commitment to the pillars identified in the
Drexel University College of Engineering Strategic Plan. This program is
focused on fostering interdisciplinary and intercollegiate collaboration at
the intersections of Drexel researchers’ existing expertise and is
especially interested in funding feasibility studies for high risk, high
reward research ideas.
Funds are used to promote research projects that will lead to high-quality
scholarship, technology, commercialization, submissions for extramural
support, and ultimately from the NIH, DOD, NSF, and other governmental
agencies and foundations.
This year’s recipients and projects are:
Ania-Ariadna Baetica
, PhD, assistant professor of mechanical engineering and mechanics, was
awarded for her work with Xiao Huang, PhD, assistant professor of
biomedical engineering, science, and health systems. The title of their
project is “Control and engineer T cell fates with precision biomaterials.”
Arvin Ebrahimkhanlou, PhD
, assistant professor of civil, architectural, and environmental
engineering and affiliate faculty of mechanical engineering and mechanics,
was awarded for his work with
Miguel Pando, PhD
, associate professor of civil, architectural, and environmental
Ivan Bartoli, PhD
, professor of civil, architectural, and environmental engineering and
civil engineering program head,
Simi Hoque, PhD
, professor of civil, architectural, and environmental engineering and
architectural engineering program head, and Nichollas Jushchyshyn, MFA,
program director of virtual reality and immersive media. The title of their
project is “Looking Underground: AI-based Digital Twins for Underground
Excavation and Development.”