Cyber Security & Information Technology Undergraduate Degree

Online Undergraduate Cybersecurity Degree Program in the World (Cybersecurity Guide, 2023)
#5 Job
Information Security Analyst, among 100 best jobs of 2023 (U.S.News & World Report)
Best Online Information Technology Degrees (Guide to Online Schools/SR Education Group, 2023)

CCI's Bachelor of Science in Computing and Security Technology (BSCST) is Drexel's cybersecurity undergraduate degree. BSCST students learn to securely manage and operate IT infrastructure. Computer security majors tend to be hands-on and like to master the technical details to make complex systems work smoothly and securely.

In 2024, the National Security Agency (NSA) renewed Drexel University’s esteemed, 20-year designation as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense (CAE-CD) through the academic year 2029. As the CAE-CD validated program of record, CCI’s Bachelor of Science in Computing & Security Technology program is now recognized among the nation's premier interdisciplinary academic programs in cybersecurity.

Program Features

  • Utilizes practical computer application work to provide students with the critical knowledge and real-world skills required for successful careers in computing and security technology;
  • Offered as a full-time, on-campus bachelor's degree program or as an online, part-time degree completion program;
  • Students must choose one of two concentrations: Computing Technology or Computing Security;
  • Students can customize and enhance their studies through a variety of available minors at CCI, including Computer Science, Data Science, Human-Computer Interaction, Information Systems, and Software Engineering, or choose from the hundreds of available minors at Drexel;
  • Drexel is proud to be a National Security Agency Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense (NSA CAE-CD) for 20 years;
  • CST classes focus on current, real-world challenges in cyber security. For example, many classes include lessons and hands-on activities involving the security of the Internet of Things (IoT) devices. In CT 212: Computer Forensics, students learn how to conduct forensics on programmable logic controllers (PLCS) used to control IoT devices. CST students learn how cloud computing technologies are used to manage and control the security of IoT systems in CT 353: Virtual Environments and Cloud Security. Also, in CT 393: IT Security Risk Assessment, students examine how to evaluate risk on IoT devices in building automation systems and other industrial control systems (ICS).

Gain Job Experience Before Graduating

Founded in 1919, Drexel's cooperative education program was one of the first of its kind, and it continues to be among the largest and most renowned. Drexel Co-op allows students to test drive careers, network and gain experience before graduation. Students choose from more than 1,700 employers in 35 states and 45 international locations, or conduct an independent search. Students in the BSCST program can participate in a four-year, one co-op program or a five-year, three co-op program. Visit the Steinbright Career Development Center website to learn more.

What Career Can You Have with a BS in Computing Security & Technology Degree?

A Bachelor’s degree in computing and security technology opens the door to a wide range of exciting job opportunities with high potential for professional growth. Examples of computing and security technology jobs include:

  • Information Security Analyst - As defined by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the role of an info security analyst is to “plan and carry out security measures to protect an organization’s computer networks and systems.” The BLS also reports that, as of May 2023, the median yearly salary for an information security analyst was $120,360. According to USNews and World Report, Information Security Analyst is number seven of the best 100 jobs in 2024.
  • IT auditor - An IT auditor carefully examines, or audits, internal controls and procedures to determine methods of improving efficiency, organization, and regulatory compliance. Much of this job revolves around compiling and interpreting data. The yearly salary for an IT auditor ranges from $73,000 to over $109,000, according to Glassdoor.
  • Network Security Analyst - The role of a network security analyst, or IT security analyst, is to monitor for unusual activity and respond accordingly in order to protect against cyberattacks. Glassdoor data shows the yearly salary for a network security analyst ranging from $94,000 to $152,000.
  • Cloud Engineer - Cloud engineers design, implement, and manage cloud-based systems for businesses. The average yearly salary for a Cloud Engineer in 2024 is $116,213, according to Glassdoor.

Additional Information

  • A complete list of the BS in Computing and Security Technology program educational objectives/student outcomes may also be viewed on Drexel's Undergraduate Catalog.

BS in Computing & Security Technology Degree Course Requirements & Descriptions

Please visit Drexel's Undergraduate Catalog for course requirements and descriptions. To find out when courses are offered, please visit Drexel's Term Master Schedule.

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