• PA SMART Grant Awarded to Drexel for Registered Apprenticeship Program Development

      September 12, 2022

      Drexel University recently received a two-year grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry to launch a program called Registered Apprenticeships for Middle-Skill Professionals (RAMP). The grant will enable adult learners to start a career as an apprentice at Drexel University in cybersecurity or health care fields.

    • Faculty Highlights: Recent Awards and Grants

      July 14, 2022

      Among those recognized for their research, academic and professional achievements is Alina Schnake-Mahl, ScD, assistant research professor in the Dornsife School of Public Health, who was awarded a five-year, $637,000 K01 grant from the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases to study the social and policy determinants of COVID-19 and influenza disparities.

    • Faculty Highlights: Recent Awards and Grants

      April 22, 2022

      Drexel faculty garnering attention for their achievements and research last term included
      Christopher MacLellan, PhD, assistant professor in the College of Computing & Informatics, who received two major grants from the Army Research Laboratory related to human-machine teaming and human-artificial intelligence adaptation.