Drexel Graduate Students: Where Theory and Practice Unite
Drexel University offers more than 120 graduate programs across 15 schools, colleges and centers, providing the next generation of leaders with research opportunities, facilities, and experience that prepare them to make meaningful impact in an ever-changing marketplace.
Our graduate students in engineering, computing, business, media arts and design, and more bring new insights, thought leadership, and a real-world focus to our partners, infusing organizations with the spirit of inquiry and collaborative energy required to match relevant knowledge with the needs of the workplace
Graduate Recruiting Guide
The Drexel Solutions Institute helps employers identify where their businesses could most benefit from having Drexel graduate students and alumni on their team.
We offer opportunities to connect with graduate-level students throughout the year:
- Speaking and Presentation Opportunities
- Information Sessions to target graduate students
- On- and Off- Campus Interviews
- Preselection Interview Processes
Engage The Next Level of Talent
Fortune 500 companies hire Drexel graduate students because they are highly motivated, team-oriented leaders with practical and interdisciplinary experiences and are trained in a rigorous academic setting. Work with us to find the perfect graduate students to help you achieve your company's goals.
Graduate Co-op opportunities are available. Contact Steinbright Career Center for more information regarding potential placements.
Learn More About Graduate Co-op
Grow your organization with talented MBA and MS students and graduates.
Contact Us
3220 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Request Information
Collaboration is at the heart of the Solutions Institute. We want to hear from you. Please contact us or reach out directly to discuss your needs.