Faculty Senate


Shared Faculty Governance

Provides for the exercise of the faculty's fundamental role in decisions that affect the academic life of the institution, the protection of legitimate faculty aspirations, the implementation and preservation of academic standards, and the promotion of the welfare of students.

– Preamble, Senate charter

About the Faculty Senate

The Faculty Senate is the duly elected body of representatives of the faculty of Drexel University. Members of the Senate are elected by the faculty of the academic units. Much of the work of the Senate is accomplished by the seven Standing Committees of the Senate (Academic Affairs; Faculty Affairs; Budget, Planning & Development; Academic Support; Student Life; Research & Scholarly Activity, and Nominations). The committees frequently meet with representatives from the administration to be an effective voice of the faculty. These committees work to develop and analyze university policy for which they can commission and request reports. Based on these reports, they make recommendations to the Senate as a whole and as such provide the vehicle for faculty shared stewardship of Drexel University.

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Office Address

119 Randell Hall
3141 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104

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Phone: 215-895-5815
Fax: 215-895-6815


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