9/11 Ceremony of Remembrance - 20th Anniversary

Good morning. Thank you all for being here.

Many of us remember where we were and how we felt on the morning of September 11th, 2001. We remember the shock, the horror, the grief and the anger.

By recalling those personal experiences — and the raw emotions that accompanied them — on the anniversary of the terrorist attacks, we can share the story with those in the Drexel community who have no firsthand experience of 9/11. In doing so, I hope we can focus on the greater good that arose in response to this tragedy:

How we stood together united as a nation — and the world community with us...

How we stood behind those who had lost loved ones...

How we recognized the acts of heroism by firefighters... police officers... and everyday citizens...

How we began to heal.

Going forward, as 9/11 becomes a historical — rather than a personal — event for more and more of us, the events and their aftermath also hold a universal message of hope for all people. It is the message that — with selflessness, resilience and unity — we can strive to overcome any challenge, and, especially, any threat to the values we hold in our hearts.

More Americans died in the attacks on 9/11 than perished in the attack on Pearl Harbor, which precipitated the United States’ entry into World War II.

All around the nation this weekend, Americans are remembering those lost in New York, Washington and Western Pennsylvania 20 years ago. Here at Drexel, we remember two members of our alumni family:

Timothy P. Soulas, a 1989 LeBow College of Business graduate, was a married father of six. He was a managing director for Cantor Fitzgerald in the World Trade Center.

Charles E. Sabin, a 1969 LeBow graduate, was a father of two and a grandfather of two. He was a Senior Financial Resources Expert for the Defense Intelligence Agency at the Pentagon.

In their memory, Lt. Colonel Wilson and I will be placing a wreath during the playing of "Taps."

Now, as we close this gathering, please join me in a moment of silence and prayer in honor of everyone who passed away that day, and everyone who survived, and for a nation that was forever changed.

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