Service Recognition Awards

Thank you, Helen. This is a very important day at Drexel.

This is the day we recognize the quality work and commitment of our dedicated Drexel faculty and professional staff.

And that includes you, Helen, and Megan, and everyone on the Human Resources team, as well as all of today’s honorees.

You are what makes Drexel an exceptional institution. You are the professionals who assure Drexel remains such a wonderful place to work.

You are the backbone of the University. You are the ones who help our students grow, develop and succeed … and become the best possible version of themselves.

You are the ones who make our campus shine, and keep it safe. You are the ones who selflessly dedicate your time helping and supporting others in our surrounding neighborhoods.

You are the ones conducting or supporting path-breaking research that improves the quality of life around the world, and, in some cases, even saves lives.

No matter what your job is, you each play a profoundly important role in the life of this university. For that, I am deeply grateful for your efforts.

Now, to our honorees, let me say, “Congratulations!” Whatever Drexel anniversary you are celebrating this year, I am honored to join in recognizing your commitment and devotion to this University.

In this audience, there is such a wealth of talent, continuity, experience, humanity, leadership and institutional memory. Just look around and consider this: As a group, you span the equivalent of more than two generations.

Obviously, we cannot list all of your individual achievements. But your collective contributions are on display every day across our campuses.

Now, if I did not know anything else about Drexel University, the combined years of service in this room would speak volumes. It says Drexel is a valued institution, a place where employees can put down roots, deepen their expertise, explore their passions, grow as professionals, and help others pursue their dreams.

This annual Service Recognition Luncheon is just one way of celebrating your service. There are others. Just last month, we honored a select group of individuals with the President’s Awards.

 We also celebrate service to this University through civic engagement. Your volunteer work in the community through the Dornsife Center for Neighborhood Partnerships is a rewarding and gratifying way to give back.

As you know, we recently began to celebrate your service through civic engagement in a more tangible way: The Dragon Volunteers program rewards Drexel employees for community involvement by providing up to 16 hours of paid time each year.

This is just one more small way for us to say “thank you.”

Once again, I am so honored to be here with you today, to celebrate the many ways in which Drexel faculty and professional staff contribute to the university’s continued success.

Thank you again, for all you do to sustain and enhance the vision of our founder, A.J. Drexel, and to prepare tomorrow’s leaders for a meaningful and impactful future. 

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