A Message on the Sudden Passing of JoAnne A. Epps, Acting President of Temple University

Dear Drexel Colleagues,

I am heartbroken by the sudden passing this afternoon of my dear friend and colleague JoAnne A. Epps, Acting President of Temple University. On behalf of our Drexel community, I extend our sympathies to her husband and family, and to the entire Temple community.

Dr. Epps' passing represents a crushing loss — for the global community of legal scholars, educators, students, and practitioners whom she inspired; for the criminal justice system and the many civic enterprises that she served with distinction; for the cause of human rights; and for the University that she served brilliantly, honorably, and well for nearly 40 years to her final breath.

Dr. Epps' passing is also a devastating loss for those of us who worked closely with her. We will miss all the qualities she brought to every task, interaction, and position: her formidable intellect, her devotion to civic betterment and public service, her personal integrity and humility, and her deeply humane leadership.

JoAnne Epps' personal home page on the Temple website begins with a direct quote from her: "If we want to be sure that our time here has meant something, we must ensure that we have handed off to those coming behind us a commitment — and a passion — to work for the best world possible." May we all continue to be guided and inspired by the spirit of Dr. Epps’ message, and by the example of her extraordinary life.


John Fry

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