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e-Learning Conference Keynote Speaker: Katie Blot

Emerging Trends in e-Learning

Katie BlotAcross the country – from college leaders, to student and parents, to policymakers and the press, people are talking about how things are changing in education. Powerful trends are emerging, from globalization, to student as consumers, to the increased focus on outcomes and the student experience – the landscape of education and what institutions need to deliver is rapidly changing. And certainly, online education is enabling some fundamental changes in how we look at and deliver education in response to these trends. It has become a critical element of not only an institution’s short-term plan but also its long-term growth strategy.

This session will explore some of these emerging trends and share a perspective on the changing landscape, what it could mean for the future of learning technology and how institutions might need to think differently to enable the future.

Katie leads Blackboard's Global Services business, which provides consulting, hosting and student services to organizations around the world empowering them to envision, prepare for and realize the future of education.