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Town Hall II: UPick Speed Dating Presentations

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

9:30 AM-11:30 AM

9:30-11:15 a.m. - 3rd Floor Atrium, Bossone Center

The UPick Town Hall is aspeed dating format, which is a fun and engaging cross between a presentationand a poster. Presenters sit at tables dispersed around the room. Attendeespick tables to visit and circulate among the tables every fifteen (15) minutes.Thus, the presenters will have the opportunity to share a new piece oftechnology, applications of technology, research or a project in which they areengaged.

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Why choose Labster?
Laura Wirpsza, PhD, Customer Success Manager & KaylaNicholson, Regional Director, Scientific Partnerships, Labster

Because it’s a learning tool thatmakes learning science easier and fun in an online environment. Labster has more than 70 virtual labsimulations covering important science topics from biology and medicine tophysics and chemistry. Labster is a Google partner. During the session, youwill learn how Labster can help improve your online learning environment. Thissoftware is available to pilot through Drexel University Online.

Blackboard Ally
Michael Shelmet,Associate Director of Instructional Technology, Information Technology, DrexelUniversity

MichaelShelmet will demonstrate Blackboard Ally, a new software acquired by DrexelUniversity to assist faculty and instructional designers in assessing theextent to which a course is ADA compliant.

Ryan Badurina, Instructional Designer, DrexelUniversity

VRtifacts+is a first of its kind repository of digital media assets designed to empowerfaculty and instructional designers to seamlessly incorporate 500,000augmented, virtual and mixed reality learning objects across a wealth ofdisciplines into online courses. Faculty and staff can utilize any asset tohelp enhance their online content. During this session, you will be able to viewthe VRtifacts+ platform, learn how and when to use digital media assets andsearch using the Tagging System to find the right asset you need to import itinto your course. Recognized by InsideHigher Education, this open source repository was developed by DrexelUniversity Online for all Drexel faculty and staff.

4 Ways to Enhance Your Course: AVR, Gamification, AI andVideo
Marci Powell, CEO & President, Marci Powell &Associates, Texas

Marci Powell will share contenton four technology groupings: Mixed Reality (augmented, virtual and holography),Videoconferencing, Gamification & Simulation and Artificial Intelligencewith Predictive Analytics. With each, she will provide quick explanations ofthe technology along with examples of best practices and share resource linksfor faculty and staff to easily use.

We Interrupt This Broadcast: Adding Interactive Quizzes toVideos and Lectures
Ian Kollar, Sr. Instructional Designer, Thomas R. KlineSchool of Law, Drexel University

Participants will learn abouteducational technology at their disposal (such as Kaltura/Drexel Streamsand Kahoot!) that can promote class participation and learner engagementby adding graded questions, self-checks and gamified quizzes into theirpresentation material. At the end of each session, participants will be able toimplement an educational technology into their presentation material, determinethe best use cases for each type of interaction and explain the mindset behindusing them in their courses.

There's More to a Picture Than You Think!
Abigail Kelly, Sr. Instructional Designer, DrexelUniversity Online

Youmight know that "accessibility" is an important feature toincorporate in your online class, but do you have the tools to succeed? This session will discuss the magical powersof alternative text, show you how to use it in your documents and courses, andprovide ways to help you support all learners. We will review what alt-text is(and isn't), conduct an activity to help you understand its purpose ineducation, and learn how to easily add it to your course content.

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Attendees ata Distance

Attendeesparticipating at a distance will log into the ZOOM room at the time of thesession(s) they would like to view:

9:35am to 9:50am
Why choose Labster?

9:50am to 10:05am
Blackboard Ally

10:05am to 10:20am

10:20am to 10:35am
4 Ways to Enhance Your Course: AVR,Gamification, AI and Video

10:35am to 10:50am
We Interrupt This Broadcast: AddingInteractive Quizzes to Videos and Lectures

10:50am to 11:05am
There's More to a Picture Than YouThink!

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3225 Arch Street
Ida Chen Room and Commons


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