Drexel Liberty Scholars Program

For over a decade, the Drexel Liberty Scholars program has helped to break down the barriers to higher education for Philadelphia-based students.

Now through the Liberty Scholars program, Drexel provides a select number of recent high school graduates who reside in Philadelphia with a renewable scholarship award that covers 100 percent of tuition and fees. Additionally, the program fosters student success and holistic support through a dedicated faculty or professional staff mentor, a Living Learning Community in which all scholars live during their first two years, co-curricular programming, extracurricular and developmental programming, and active engagement with campus life. We strive to strengthen our commitment to diversity, inclusion, and social justice by cultivating the thought leaders and social justice advocates of tomorrow.

Please note: The Liberty Scholars Scholarship, in combination with other financial aid, cannot exceed a student's cost of attendance.

Join our Community

Check out the Liberty Scholars program brochure and learn more about what the program offers as well as how to apply and become a part of this diverse community dedicated to social justice.

Download Liberty Scholars Program Brochure [PDF]

Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents, residing in or attending school in the City of Philadelphia (must have address for home or school in Philadelphia), applying for general admission to Drexel University as first-year students and have demonstrated financial need (Drexel uses the CSS Profile to determine the financial eligibility of applicants). Applicants who are home-schooled will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Current Drexel students are not eligible to apply.

The scholarship is open to all new first-year applicants from Philadelphia in all majors as long as it is an on-campus, full-time, undergraduate program.

In order to apply to the Liberty Scholars program, you must complete the following:

  • Submit an admission application, including all supplemental materials (i.e., high school transcripts, letters of recommendation) by the deadline of the admission plan you have chosen.
  • Complete the Drexel Liberty Scholars application and essay online via the Enrichment & Scholarship Applications tab in Discover Drexel. Note: All applications and emails must be submitted via Discover Drexel. Essays sent via email will not be accepted.
  • The 500-word essay required for the Liberty Scholars application is based on answering the following question — The late honorable John Lewis was an American statesman and a civil rights leader who devoted his life to racial justice and equality. In June of 2018, he sent this tweet: "Do not get lost in a sea of despair. Be hopeful, be optimistic. Our struggle is not the struggle of a day, a week, a month, or a year, it is the struggle of a lifetime. Never, ever be afraid to make some noise and get in good trouble, necessary trouble." What social justice issue do you want to "make some noise" about and are willing to get into "good trouble, necessary trouble" for, and why? What steps would you take to solve this issue?
  • Complete the 2025–2026 CSS Profile by the deadlines listed below.
  • Submit the 2025–2026 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by the deadlines listed below.
Liberty Scholars Program Deadlines

Admission Application Liberty Scholars Application and Essay CSS Profile FAFSA
Early Decision Applicants November 1 November 15 November 15 February 1
Early Action Applicants November 1 February 1 November 15 February 1
Regular Decision Applicants January 15 February 1 February 1 February 1

Final candidates will be invited to participate in an interview. Details about the interview will be emailed to candidates. We understand that interviews take place during the school day. All interviews take place during pre-assigned times during business hours. Final candidates will be invited to participate in a virtual interview on Thursday, February 20, 2025.

As a Liberty Scholar, there are certain requirements you must meet in order to remain in the program:

  • Demonstrate a commitment to academic excellence, community service, and social justice
  • Minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA (reviewed at the end of your enrollment each academic year)
  • Contact your mentor at least once per term
  • Participate in at least one Drexel organization or activity of your choice
  • Complete a yearly community service commitment with Lindy Center-sponsored service
  • Participate in official Liberty Scholars events
  • Maintain full-time registration for each term of your enrollment
  • Uphold all conduct guidelines as prescribed by Student Conduct
  • Complete all End of Term Surveys on time

Contact the Liberty Scholars Program

Liberty Scholar applicants should contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions by either calling 215.895.2400 or emailing lbtysch@drexel.edu.

Support the Liberty Scholars Program

Please consider supporting the Liberty Scholars program's mission of recruiting, retaining, and creating a sense of belonging and persistence to graduation for our students.

Contact Us

CIES Hours:
Monday–Friday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.

Student Resource Center Hours:
Monday–Friday: 9 a.m.–8 p.m. (Dragon Card access only)