M.S. in Transdisciplinary Science Computing Engineering & Design

What if you could get your Masters in "Making"?

New industries and product categories, such as wearables, consumer robotics, and the “Internet of Things,” have emerged from a combination of new technology and a human-centered approach to design. The TranSCEND MS program builds upon strong technical foundations through creative, expressive, and collaborative project-based explorations, enabling students to make the devices of tomorrow, today.

TranSCEND Boundaries 

This intensive, full-time program emphasizes learning through world-ready projects and collaborative experiences with world-class faculty. A key component of the program is direct industry engagement through a 6-month graduate co-op (extended paid internship) at a company. TranSCEND activities enable a broader range of student-faculty and student-student collaborations than traditional programs.

Defy Convention for Career Success

We don’t believe in left vs. right brain distinctions. Instead, we’ve listened to the companies in these emerging industries: They seek hybrid employees combing both technical and creative skills, capable of communicating and collaborating across disciplines to further innovation. CEOs consistently rate creativity as the most sought-after trait in their employees. We created the TranSCEND Masters program to develop the discipline-spanning experiences needed to be the tech and design leaders of the future.

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