Jason Silverman

jason's headshot

Phone: 215.895.6087

Email: jason.silverman@drexel.edu


BA mathematics ’96, Franklin and Marshall College
MS mathematics education ’04, Vanderbilt University
MA mathematics ’05, Vanderbilt University
PhD mathematics education '05, Vanderbilt University


Mathematics teacher education; Mathematical knowledge for conceptual teaching; research in undergraduate mathematics education; discourse in mathematics classrooms; technology in mathematics education; community-based teacher professional development; inquiry-oriented instruction; pre-service STEM teacher education.


Jason Silverman PhD’s research interests include mathematics teacher education and supporting the pedagogical development of pre-service STEM teachers. His current work focuses on the role of mathematical understandings in teachers' instructional practice, understandings in teachers’ instructional practice, understanding how technology, collaboration, and community can support teaching and learning, supporting teachers' integration of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), and better understanding and capitalizing on the commonalities between undergraduate and K-12 STEM education. 

Silverman came to Drexel in 2006 and led the development of the School of Education’s MS in Mathematics Learning and Teaching, a fully online graduate program for current teachers that featured innovative approaches to supporting mathematical collaboration at a distance and utilized video-conferencing and recording to connect teachers’ classrooms. Silverman currently serves as the Program Director for the Graduate Programs in Mathematics Learning and teaching. In addition, Silverman has served as a Principal Investigator or Co-Principal Investigator on 9 funded research projects. Most recently, he has led the EnCoMPASS project, which seeks support the development of an online community of teachers focused on formative assessment and placing student thinking at the center of instructional decision making. In addition, Silverman serves as the Principal Investigator and Co-Director of DragonsTeach, a university wide effort to recruit and prepare undergraduate STEM majors for careers in secondary education. Through his research activities and work with CASTLE, Silverman plans to explore the intersections that exist between school, undergraduate and graduate education as well as between and among STEM content areas and develop research-based initiatives that support meaningful and scalable educational interactions across these boundaries.