The Dornsife Community Center
Dornsife Center for Neighborhood Partnerships Expanded with Drexel Purchase of West Philadelphia Community Center
During 2018, the Caring People Alliance, owners of the West Philadelphia Community Center (WPCC) building, put the building up for sale, and Drexel moved to purchase the site in order to preserve the space as a community resource. Drexel launched a community planning process to plan for programming in the site, and it became a part of the Dornsife Center for Neighborhood Partnerships.
The Community Planning Process
Drexel has been engaging with community leaders and residents from Mantua, Powelton Village, and throughout West Philadelphia as well as with internal stakeholders though a community planning process to develop a shared vision for the facility.
At all of our community meetings, we asked the following questions:
- What has the West Philadelphia Community Center meant to you?
- What would you like the space to look like?
- What kinds of programs would you like to see here in the future?
Summer 2018: meetings with community leaders and Drexel stakeholders.
- Community leaders and Drexel University partners were invited to collaboratively develop an inclusive community outreach and planning process for the future of the WPCC site as an extension of the Dornsife Center for Neighborhood Partnerships.
- Four meetings were held on July 26, July 28, August 13, August 14, 2018.
- Participants discussed how to conduct an inclusive community outreach and planning process for the future of the WPCC site as an extension of the Dornsife Center for Neighborhood Partnerships.
- The ideas generated at these initial meetings were used to guide open meetings during the fall.Fall 2018: meetings with community residents and stakeholder groups as well as internal Drexel units that would be involved in programming
Fall 2018: meetings with community residents, community stakeholder groups, and internal Drexel departments and colleges that would becoming involved in programming
- September 22: Community Open House at WPCC on September 22
- September 27: Call to Action community meeting at WPCC
- November 17: Ideas and inspiration bus tour to Strawberry Mansion PAL, West Philadelphia YMCA, and Drexel’s ExCITE Center
- Throughout November: small group stakeholder meetings with Lancaster Avenue 21stCentury Business Association, Action for Early Learning and PEC Family Navigators, Mantua young men, and McMichael 5th, 6th, and 7thgrade students
- Throughout the fall: conversations with Drexel colleges and units including the College of Arts & Sciences, College of Nursing & Health Professions, Westphal College of Media Arts & Design, ExCITE Center, Center for Culinary Arts & Hospitality Management, and Drexel Recreation Center
Dornsife Center staff attend local community meetings to share information, give updates, and gather input. We regularly attend the following meetings to keep neighbors up to date:
- Mantua Civic Association
- Powelton Village Civic Association
- 16thDistrict Police Department Captains Meeting
- Promise Neighborhood Public Safety Committee Meeting
- PEC Neighborhood Advisory Subcommittee Meeting
- PEC Men’s Coffee Talk