Daniel King, PhD

Associate Professor | Department of Chemistry
Office: Disque Hall 509
Email: daniel.king@drexel.edu
Phone: 215.895.0571
In an attempt to improve student learning, I incorporate active learning techniques into my classes, including group work, POGIL
(process-oriented guided-inquiry learning) activities, discussion boards and personal response devices (or “clickers”). My research
involves assessment of the effectiveness of these methods with respect to student learning. The assessment techniques include
analysis of in-class and exam questions and surveys that measure levels of student engagement and learning gains.
The effectiveness of the active-learning techniques is investigated as a function of several variables, such as gender, ethnicity,
student learning style, class size and class year. Another research project involves the creation of guided-inquiry modules that
incorporate environmental data into general and physical chemistry lecture classes. These guided-inquiry modules enable students
to derive concepts on their own, rather than just being told the definition of the term. These modules can involve different forms,
from data sets with accompanying questions to case studies. Environmental data can be used to illustrate many topics, including
density, kinetics, solubility, and adsorption.
Featured Publications
Redesigning the Preexam Review Session (Article)
Author(s): Daniel B. King
In a large enrollment, multiple-section course, review sessions enable efficient and consistent delivery of information to all students. A redesigned review session has been implemented to increase attendance and improve effectiveness.
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