Pedagogical Considerations

Each class and each instructor is going to be a little different and have different needs.  In general, to promote student learning, we have to think about providing them with information, giving them opportunities to communicate with each other and with you about their learning, and providing chances to practice and receive feedback about their learning.  Here we provide some considerations for each of these topics in an online environment, as well as additional considerations for courses with TAs or with lab components. 

Providing students with information

About the course

Synchronous instruction

Asynchronous instruction


Encouraging communication to promote learning 



Office Hours

Managing Individual Student Issues

Giving students feedback on their learning

Opportunities to practice and get feedback

Low-stakes assignments/activities

High-stakes assignments

How can you incorporate this into an online environment?

Working with TAs

  • Understand that teaching online may be new to your TAs as well.  Share this guide with them so they can review tips and resources posted here and learn about online instruction.
  • TAs should (or may be required to) host office hours as well, so they should review the section on Office Hours for tips and suggestions.
  • TAs should be familiar with Blackboard Learn and should review the Drexel resources to help with this task.
  • TAs should be familiar with other technology resources you plan to use in the course.  Point them to the right guides or materials to help them familiarize themselves with the relevant technology you will be using in your course.
  • Regular meetings can help you to interface with your TAs and keep in touch regarding student issues, any adjustments that are needed for the course to promote student learning, discussing grades/course policies/activities, etc.
  • The way you use your TAs to support your course will depend on your departmental guidelines about TA work hours and teaching involvement.  Some example activities TAs may be involved in are similar to the types of activities they might be involved in with your face-to-face courses, such as: grading, contributing to class discussions, supporting group work, providing student feedback, leading recitation sessions.
  • If TAs will be leading recitation sessions, your guidance on how these sessions should be run will be essential.

