CASTLE hosts "Escape the Classroom" event

Escape the Classroom event participants



September 18, 2018

Welcome Week for the incoming New Dragons this year was a success with 50 students who filled up the sign up list within a day. The students engaged in an ice breaker of completing the Human Knot before entering the classroom. Escape the Classroom was set up in the Idea Lab and themed to UNIV101. Lucky for these students the "escape the room themed class" was only 25 minutes long, and the students had the opportunity to leave "class" early so long as they finished their work early. With the new term starting, the professor already seemed exhausted and needed a coffee break, but she locked the door on her way out. She told the students she left her phone number but the students could not find anything except weird symbols on the board. Will the students be able to find their new professors number to get out of class on time? Or will they be late to their next class?