CIRTL Forum Travel Award Information

The CIRTL Forum Travel Award will help defray the costs of travel for a limited number of graduate students and postdocs presenting posters of their own TAR projects related to STEM education. The Award will provide reimbursement of up to $500 following the Forum and the submission of expenses.


To be eligible for a CIRTL Forum Travel Award, you must be:

  • A grad student or postdoc
  • From outside the Philadelphia, PA area


Complete your CIRTL Forum Travel Award application by Friday August 9, 2019. Notices of poster acceptance will be sent by Thursday August 1, 2019 (you may submit your Travel Award application before notification of poster acceptance, but only accepted posters will be considered for the Award).

A complete application must include:

  • A personal statement (no more than 1500 characters or about 250 words) describing why attending the CIRTL Forum is important to your professional development and how it will enhance your career. You can type this statement directly into the application form.
  • A statement from a research advisor or teaching mentor (no more than 200 words) describing why it is important for the applicant’s professional development to attend the CIRTL Forum. The statement should be attached as a document to the application. Provide these instructions to your advisor/mentor: 

[Insert your - the applicant’s - name] is applying for a Travel Award to attend the 2019 CIRTL Forum to present a poster on their Teaching-as-Research project and is requesting a brief statement of support from you. In 200 words or less, please describe why it is important for the applicant’s professional development that they attend the 2019 CIRTL Forum. Please also provide your name, email address, and your relationship to the applicant.

Given the short turnaround between notification of acceptance and submission of the travel award application, please make sure to plan in advance to obtain a statement from your advisor or mentor, factoring in possible travel schedules.

A committee will review the Travel Award applications and notify applicants by August 20, 2019.

Travel Award Application Form