The 2019 6th National CIRTL Forum

Sunday, October 13th-15th, 2019 

The CIRTL Network

The Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL) seeks to enhance excellence in STEM undergraduate education through development of a national faculty committed to implementing and advancing evidence-based teaching practices for diverse learners. CIRTL was founded in 2003 as a National Science Foundation Center for Learning and Teaching in higher education. CIRTL uses graduate education as the leverage point to develop a national STEM faculty committed to implementing and advancing effective teaching practices for diverse student audiences as part of successful professional careers. The goal of CIRTL is to improve the STEM learning of all students at every college and university, and thereby to increase the diversity in STEM fields and the STEM literacy of the nation.

The Mission

The mission of CIRTL is to enhance excellence in undergraduate education through the development of a national faculty committed to implementing and advancing effective teaching practices for diverse learners as part of successful and varied professional careers.

The CIRTL Forum

Since its inception, CIRTL has held a national Forum every 2-3 years, attracting ~ 275 deans, faculty, staff and graduate students from a diverse set of higher education institutions, as well as leaders from national organizations devoted to improving STEM education. Each CIRTL Forum offers attendees opportunities to interact with visionary thought-leaders in higher education, gain perspectives from current and future faculty, and enjoy rich discussions and innovative programming.Learn more about the goals of the past Forums.

The 2019 6th National CIRTL Forum:
Preparing Future Faculty as Change Leaders Toward Inclusive STEM Higher Education

This NSF-supported gathering is designed to foster discussion and networking among future faculty, current faculty, and university leaders focused on improving undergraduate STEM education. In addition, keynotes and plenary speakers will offer their insights followed by interactive panel discussions and workshops.

Forum participants will explore topics such as; preparing future faculty to enhance the success of all students, promoting diversity in STEM through evidence-based pedagogy, and change leadership in undergraduate STEM education.

The event is designed to create significant opportunities for idea exchange, networking, and learning about best practices. The ultimate goal is to enhance the professional development and future work of all participants towards promoting effective teaching and learning of all STEM undergraduates.

The 6th National CIRTL Forum provides an ideal opportunity to promote teaching excellence for future STEM faculty through the active involvement of a diverse range of stakeholders, including:

  • Graduate students and post-docs preparing for academic positions in STEM;
  • Faculty and staff who lead future faculty development initiatives;
  • STEM faculty who train graduate students and postdoctoral scholars;
  • Graduate school deans and other administrators who want to enhance future faculty professional development programs on their campuses;
  • Leaders of STEM disciplinary societies interested in improving undergraduate STEM education by enhancing the education of future STEM faculty;
  • Faculty and administrators from diverse types of institutions hiring new STEM faculty.

Forum themes

  • Existing Culture of STEM Education: How has the Academy traditionally prepared future faculty? What are the barriers to evidence-based teaching? What are the barriers that exist for underrepresented students in STEM?
  • STEM Teaching and Learning Practices that Support All Students: What are the teaching practices that have been demonstrated to support the learning and retention of all students in STEM? What are other elements of an inclusive STEM college education? What are the limits of our current knowledge? Are there unique roles for underrepresented faculty in inclusive STEM college education, and if so what are they? How can all faculty enable those roles while insuring the overall success of underrepresented faculty?
  • Working Effectively Within Existing Institutional Culture: How can we help future faculty implement evidence-based STEM teaching and learning, and support these individuals when they encounter colleagues or institutions not ready to change or accept evidence-based teaching? What are the key components of an inclusive STEM college education, with particular focus on those in which faculty play a key role?
  • Change Leadership:How can we prepare future faculty to work effectively as colleagues and change leaders to create welcoming and supportive academic climates for all undergraduates in STEM fields in a range of institutional environments? What can be learned from industry and graduate school professional development that incorporates leadership training? How can we continue to prepare future academic leaders?