Experiential Practices in Education Research and Teaching in STEM (EXPERTS)

students playing with k'nex


Experiential Practices in Education Research and Teaching in STEM (ExPERTS) introduces vertical mentoring into the model of the previously-funded National Science Foundation STEM GK-12 program at Drexel. ExPERTS establishes STEM teams—typically consisting of one STEM Graduate Fellow, one STEM Undergraduate Fellow from the DragonsTeach STEM certification program and one local K-12 Teacher— to develop and implement inquiry-based modules in STEM K-12 classrooms.


  • To enhance the ability of Fellows and Teachers to design technology-based supportive materials and integrate them into the classroom as contextual motivators that enrich student learning
  • To build Fellows’ foundation in pedagogy and inquiry-based instruction and improve their communication, mentoring, and leadership skills
  • To increase high school students’ knowledge, skills, and interest in STEM disciplines
  • To strengthen the partnership between area school districts and Drexel University
  • To develop a scalable vertical mentoring model to support undergraduate and graduate Fellows and school teachers


The goal of the CASTLE STEM modules is to enhance learning by delivering stimulating and challenging lessons that will augment curriculum in STEM subjects, providing incentives for students to develop their interest in and enthusiasm for these subjects.
