Indiana Jones' Costume Designer

January 10, 2009

Indiana JonesDeborah Nadoolman-Landis, the Academy Award-nominated costume designer of Raiders of the Lost Ark, Animal House, Blues Brothers, Michael Jackson's Thriller and Coming to America, will be the guest of the Fashion and Design & Merchandising Department as a Rankin Scholar-in-Residence. She will give a talk, open to all, on January 15th at 6 PM in Ruth Auditorium (Nesbitt Hall, 33rd & Market Sts.) followed by a reception and book signing.

Dr. Nadoolman-Landis' books include Dressed: A Century of Hollywood Costume Design and Screencraft: Costume Design. She compiled and edited the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences catalog 50 Costumes/50 Designers: Concept to Character and a chapter of "Designing Hollywood: Women Costume and Production Designers" in Women Designers in the USA. Nadoolman-Landis graduated from UCLA with a M.F.A. in Costume Design and graduated with a Ph. D. in the History of Design from the Royal College of Art in London. Her work is on display at the Smithsonian Institution and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.


  • Deborah Nadoolman-Landis lecture/presentation
  • Thursday, January 15, 6 PM
  • Ruth Auditorium, Nesbitt Hall (3215 Market St.)
  • Free and open to the public
  • For more information, call 215-895-1029