Product Design Faculty Member Granted US Patent for ‘ClikBrik’

April 27, 2021

Associate Professor of Product Design Mike Glaser was granted a US patent for his work on ClikBrik, a drummer-specific metronome. ClikBrik was born when drummer Konrad Meissner recognized the need for a metronome—which helps drummers keep time during performance—that met the needs of the drummer on the road. Traditional metronomes require drummers to put down their drumsticks and fiddle with small controls, which isn’t conducive to the energy and pace of a live performance. Covered in a durable, shockproof silicone, ClikBrik attaches to a cymbal stand and allows the drummer to start, stop, and adjust the click track by hitting the device with a drumstick.


The US patent was granted to Glaser, Meissner, and co-inventors Edwin Booth and Carla Diana on March 30, 2021. ClikBrik is currently in the prototyping phase, with plans to move into testing working prototypes this year. Learn more about ClikBrik and watch a video demonstration here.