As Drexel’s Co-op Centennial Approaches, Check Out What Dragons Are Working on Today

April 20, 2018


Next year marks the centennial of Drexel University’s groundbreaking co-op tradition, which started in 1919. And before the University starts looking back at its historic past, it’s time for Dragons to recognize what Drexel students are doing today — well, this year, actually — during their co-op experiences.

Every year, Drexel’s Steinbright Career Development Center hosts its annual Steinbright Co-op Photo Contest to encourage Drexel students to send in photos of themselves or their experiences while on co-op. The winning photos are then selected through a public vote, with the photographers receiving a special prize.

This year, Drexel students submitted over 100 photo submissions in the @work and @play categories.

Out of those entries, the panel of University judges picked the top five finalists in each category, and those were the photos that the public voted on. A winner in each category was chosen based on the number of votes their picture received, with the champions announced on April 18. The prizes were a $300 Amazon gift card for first place, a $150 Amazon gift card for second place and a $50 Amazon gift card for third place.

Check out the winning photos for yourself below:

@Work Category Winners

First place: “Just Another Day at the Office” by Yevgeniy Yakovlev, a data science major in the College of Computing & Informatics

As a clinical data analyst at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Yevgeniy Yakovlev meets with his team on the 11th floor on the Colket Translational Research Building, where they use data collected throughout the entire hospital to support projects that improve patient outcomes.

Second place: “Daily Commute” by Joseph DiSalvo, a product design major in the Westphal College of Media Arts & Design

Bailey Leadford and the cell therapy team at Gates Biomanufacturing Facility show us some of the equipment and processes they use daily in the product development lab.

Third place: “Day to Day at GBF” by Bailey Leadford, a biomedical engineering major in the School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems

@Play Category Winners

First Place: “Love is Courage” by Yu-Ann Wu, who is in the PhD programs for health sciences and physical therapy in the College of Nursing and Health Professions

Kathy Chen balances on the edge of the Macau Tower, an intimidating 233 meters above ground.

Second place: “On the Edge of the World” by Kathy Chen, a communication student in the College of Arts and Sciences

William Zawisa admires the mountain top meadow, just outside the town of Werfen, Austria where the picnic scene from “The Sound of Music” was filmed.

Third place: “Be Bold” by William Zawisa, an information systems major in the College of Computing & Informatics

Want to see more picture-perfect examples of the Drexel co-op experience? Check out the past Steinbright Co-op Photo Contest winners from the last five years here.

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