Jack Cliggett

June 21, 2017

Jack Cliggett, Graphic Design Professor, was a founding faculty member of our outstanding Graphic Design program, contributing to the creation of the program’s curriculum at its conception and serving as Program Director. Jack came to us with talents as both a designer and a craftsman after a successful career with his Cliggett Design Group, whose clients included Fortune 500 companies. Jack was among the first College faculty to visit China and he’s been dedicated to building relationships with Chinese design schools and cultural leaders. He was instrumental in an exhibition of posters from the China National Academy of Fine Arts, and his book, Chinese Cultural Identity: The Dominion of Inertia, was published by the China Academy of Fine Arts in HangZhou. Jack has taught generations of graphic designers, introducing them to the discipline and to the application of design on branding and identity. Jack is known for his sharp sense of humor, and his great loyalty to his Program and the College.

As an expert on Chinese propaganda posters, he was an organizer of several China Biennial International Poster Exhibitions starting in 2003. As the College’s pioneering ambassador to China, he has hosted numerous Chinese educators and cultural figures during their visits to the U.S., consulted on curriculum for Chinese universities, facilitated faculty and exhibitions exchanges, and served as a resident scholar at Chinese Universities.