Top Wins for Graphic Design

January 10, 2017

Our Graphic Design Program closed out the 2016 year with an outstanding record of eleven wins in two different competitions, with the winning projects viewable on the Graphic Design Creative Work Portfolio. The 46th Creativity International Student Print & Packaging Design Awards celebrate the best in print, packaging, interactive and broadcast by professionals and students. Eight student projects received a total of two Gold, three Silver, one Platinum and two Bronze. The HOW International Design Awards is an annual competition that recognizes design excellence on a global scale, and three student projects earned merit awards.

We would like to thank Shushi Yoshinaga, Graphic Design Professor, for her continued dedication to coordinating all competition materials on behalf of the program. Special thanks go to the faculty advisors who oversaw the student work; Professors Eric Karnes, Mark Willie, Shushi Yoshinaga, Alexandra Doyle, Department Head Jody Graff and Associate Dean Sandy Stewart.


How International Design Awards

Project: Quirk Theatre: Shakesqueer 2017

Student Designer: Theodor Swanson

Photographer: Theodor Swanson

Instructor: Eric Karnes


Project: Knock Out Experimental Book

Student Designer: Jermaine Boca

Instructor: Sandy Stewart


Project: Alex Prager Artist Catalog 

Student Designer: Morgan Gelfand

Instructor: Mark Willie


46th Creativity International Student Print & Packaging Design Awards

Project: This Concerns you, The Psychology of the Con 

Student Designer: Walter Wilkes

Photographer and or Illustration: Walter Wilkes

Instructor: Jody Graff

Gold Award


Project: Knock Out Experimental Book

Student Designer: Jermaine Boca

Instructor: Sandy Stewart

Gold Award


Project: Quirk Theatre: Shakesqueer 2017

Student Designer: Theodor Swanson

Photographer: Theodor Swanson

Instructor: Eric Karnes

Silver Award


Project: Not Your Great Uncle’s Pickles Rigid Packaging

Student Designer: Morgan Gelfand

Food Photography: Morgan Gelfand

Instructor: Jody Graff

Silver Award


Project: PomPom Rice

Student Designer: Jermaine Boca

Photographer (or Illustration, etc): Jermaine Boca

Instructor: Sandy Stewart

Silver Award


Project: Overkill

Student Designer: Taylor Murphy

Photographer (or Illustration, etc): Taylor Murphy

Instructor: Sandy Stewart

Platinum Award


Project: Univers Typeface Poster

Student Designer: Max Kahn

Instructor: Shushi Yoshinaga

Bronze Award


Project: Wonder Restaurant Identity

Student Designer: Taylor Murphy

Instructor: Alexandra Doyle

Bronze Award