October DNEWS

November 18, 2015

A Harry Potter super-fan festival, Drexel’s Jedi Club choreography practice, and Philadelphia’s rainbow-flooded Outfest—these are some of the cultures that DNEWS dives into with its October edition. Click here to watch the episode, which recently aired on DUTV throughout the Philadelphia metro area. DNEWS is a monthly news series that is shot, edited, and presented by students from our Cinema & Television department as well as by students from across the University.

Professor Dumbledore makes a special appearance during the 5th annual Harry Potter festival, which is organized by the Chestnut Hill Business District and attended by hundreds of costumed “Potter-people” from around the region.

Back on Drexel’s campus, DNEWS talks to members of the Dragon Jedi Club who use light saber choreography, character development, and costumes for public performances and charity events.

On October 11, the news team crawled the Washington Square West neighborhood during Outfest, which has been called the world’s largest national coming-out day festival. The segment features interviews with attendees about the festival’s importance as well as interviews with protestors in attendance.

The episode also features a look inside the 1980s-themed Escape Room on Passyunk Avenue; a Port Richmond fashion event called the Freak Show, which is centered on women’s empowerment; and Skyless Game Studios, a video game development firm at Drexel that works with nonprofits to create video games with social impact.