Research Awards

May 21, 2015

On May 1, students from across the University converged for Drexel’s 17th annual Research Day to showcase scholarship and creativity, with opportunities to receive awards at both the University level and College level. In the Graduate Creative Arts & Design category, Interior Architecture & Design students Jay Hardman and Elena Sabinson received first place in the University level for their Creative Approach to Artificial Intelligence. Their project explores ethics, empathy and speculative design through a synthetic habitat made from engineered crystals. In the same category at the undergraduate level, Fashion Design student Lela Thompson received first place for Architectural Origami: Creating Complex Forms Through Free Form Pleating. At the Westphal College level, Graphic Design student Karen Yee and Digital Media student Ariel Evans were awarded first place for their projects; Product Design student Sean Preston received second place, and third place awards were granted to Product Design students Conner White and Stephanie Kovacs.

Karen Yee’s project is entitled Fractal Geometry:  A Tactile Exploration Through Visual Media. Ariel Evans explored Primitive Lighting of the 17th and 18th Centuries for Digital Environments, and Sean Preston presented his research on High School Student Engagement Tools and Practices Regarding Experiential Learning. Conner White’s project deals with Creating a Sustainable & Smart Household Water System, and Stephanie Kovacs explored Reinvigorating the Art Museum Visitor Experience.