Film & Video Senior Thesis Screening

May 13, 2015


A con-man is forced to face his past; video-gamers manifest nerdhood in homage to 1980s teen films; a daughter debates reconnecting with her alcoholic father; and a group of mothers seek revenge on their nemesis. In addition to these fictional dramas, a variety of genres, content and aesthetics will be represented in the 18 films screening at this year’s Film & Video senior show. The films include documentaries, experimental films, stop-motion animation and more. Grab your popcorn for the senior thesis short film screening on Sunday, June 14th at 2:00pm (Mitchell Auditorium, Bossone Research Center).

Documentaries include examinations of Drexel’s very own archaeologists racing to catalogue their most recent dinosaur discovery, as well as noted veterans of Hollywood television talking to the vanishing Black sitcom. For the more experimental palette, follow a girl whose life is revealed through performance and beautiful projection techniques or a hybrid film that combines live action and stop-motion animation to explore the pain of PTSD.

For more information about the event, which is free to the public, please contact Karin Kelly