Storytelling in Data

March 2, 2015

Storytelling is an art form and a science that has been practiced throughout human history. While it has morphed with the introduction of new technologies, the principles of the form—character, time and setting—haven’t changed, and designers can utilize these core elements to create more engaging visual representations of data. In the next Refresh Philly series event on March 12, Phil Charron, Vice President of Experience Design at the design firm Think Brownstone, will discuss how to create data visualizations using the core principles of traditional storytelling. Refresh Philly is a platform that brings together the best and brightest web professionals in the greater Philadelphia region.

Focusing on how to keep audiences and users engaged while presenting them with large amounts of information, Charron will relate how he has applied his background in writing, filmmaking and user experience (UX) to Data Visualizations, and he’ll demonstrate some basic applications of storytelling in data.

Click here to register for the free-to-the public lecture, which will take place at 7:00pm URBN Annex Screening Room (3401 Filbert Street). For more information about the event, which is presented by Drexel’s Digital Media Department and Thoughtbot, please contact Professor Troy Finamore at