Best of Show DNEWS

January 8, 2015

In the “Best of Show” December edition of DNEWS, past stories are curated into one exemplary half hour of student-produced reportage and documentary television. The award-winning monthly TV news magazine is produced by Drexel students from across the University, and airs throughout Philadelphia on Comcast channels 54 and 62 and Fios channel 37. While individual stories are shot and produced by multiple students, “Best of Show” is hosted by John LaRussa and edited by Ryan Savage, with host camera work by Alexa Carrol, all Film & Video students.

In Drexel’s beer tasting class, Professor Lynn Hoffman teaches the do's and don'ts of beer and food pairings. A story on recent Drexel graduate Marti Lieberman gives the dish on Mac Mart, a campus food truck owned and run by Lieberman which serves up delectable and inventive mac and cheese combos. Turning toward the arts scene on and around campus, one story profiles Mantua artist James Dupree and his long-term struggle with the city of Philadelphia to keep his studio from being subject to eminent domain laws; another explores the spiritual approach that one Drexel student group takes in the movement practice of Flow Arts; and another features Natalia Nastaskin’s recent visit to Westphal. Nastaskin is the CEO of The Agency Group, the world’s leading independent talent booking agency.

Click here to watch these stories and more, and click here to learn more about DUTV.