February 4, 2015

A year has gone by since the untimely passing of longtime Drexel community member, Eric Zempol, a Westphal Graphic Design alumnus (’93) who joined the program as an instructor in 2002. He was a mentor, a published author, an award-winning designer, a supporter of City of Hope’s Philly for Hope chapter and a master of three languages with an army of friends from around the world.

Eric was a true Drexel enthusiast and a dedicated teacher who was known for expertly and warmly helping freshmen students transition into University life. The classroom where he taught freshmen, URBN Center Room 436, was recently named the Eric Zempol “EZ” Freshman Lab in his honor. Colleagues, students, friends and family gathered at a January ceremony in the lab to celebrate the dedication, which was achieved through the Eric Zempol Memorial Fund. The College would like to offer its sincere gratitude to all those who have donated over the last year.

The fund will remain open going forward with the hope of establishing a scholarship for talented Graphic Design freshmen with financial need. To make a donation, click here to visit the donation website, enter the total amount of your gift, under “I would like my gift to be designated to” choose “Other,” and type in: “Eric Zempol Memorial Fund – Westphal College.” Eric was a deeply loved member of the Westphal family, and we are tremendously grateful for your support and hope to see it grow to benefit future students.