Off Campus Hat Trick

September 22, 2014

Please join us in congratulating Television program director Andrew Susskind and Cinema & Television students and recent alums TJ Bryson, Arlynn Katz, Colleen McLaughlin, and Rich Mach on winning an Award for Excellence for the fifth episode of our student-produced sitcom, OFF CAMPUS, at the Mid-Atlantic National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Awards Gala this past weekend. The Award was granted in the College/University Student Production, Long Form Fiction category. NATAS is the parent organization of the Emmy Awards. Click to watch the award-winning episode.

OFF CAMPUS is a candid and lighthearted sitcom featuring the misadventures of a group of recent college graduates. It is a year-long, major undertaking and one of Westphal College's finest hands-on teaching experiences. An entire term is taken to write the scripts and two terms are devoted to prepping and shooting the episodes, which utilize multiple locations, a professional cast, and a large student crew that devotes countless hours to production and logistics. This is the show's third such award.

Additionally, the February 2014 edition of our student-produced monthly magazine DNEWS received its third NATAS nomination in the Newscast category. DNEWS has previously received an award for Best College Production Newscast. DNEWS is overseen by Professor Marty Zied and DUTV General Manager Dave Culver, and engages students from across the College and University in developing, writing, producing, editing and programming content.

Both shows take an interdisciplinary and collaborative approach to production, engaging students across majors to produce to prime time network standards using the resources of Drexel's fully-equipped television station, DUTV.

Upcoming DNEWS episodes will air on DUTV on October 31, December 5 and December 19, all at 8:00pm. The station will also air the Drexel Fashion Show 2014, produced by Fashion Design and Design & Merchandising students, on September 26, October 10, November 24 and December 21, at 8:00pm. DUTV is broadcast on Comcast channels 54 and 62.