Entourage creator visits campus

October 16, 2012

Doug Ellin, whose writing created the culturally beloved characters Vince, E, Drama, Turtle and Ari in the HBO series "Entourage" is the first guest of the Rudman Institute media and entertainment conversation series.

Doug Ellin, the man behind HBO’s hit series “Entourage,” will be on campus for a conversation and Q&A session at the Westphal School of Media Arts and Design on Oct. 16. The creator of some of the most well-known and culturally beloved characters –Vince, Turtle, Drama, Ari and E—will sit down with Karen Curry, executive director of the Kal & Lucille Rudman Institute for Entertainment Industry Studies, for a look at what it takes to be successful in the entertainment business.

Ellin’s career started in the mailroom of a Los Angeles film studio and doing stand-up comedy at night. He was spotted by a studio executive who recognized Ellin’s talent while watching his comedy act. Ellin went on to write and direct for film and television, ultimately creating “Entourage” – winner of six Emmy awards and one Golden Globe during its eight seasons.

In his conversation with Curry, Ellin will give a behind-the-scenes look at “Entourage” and explain how he created, cast and wrote its memorable characters and storylines. Ellin will also discuss the challenges of working and achieving success in Hollywood.

This event is the first program on the intersection of media, journalism and business at the Kal & Lucille Rudman Institute for Entertainment Industry Studies. The Rudman Institute is led by Curry, who has worked extensively in broadcast journalism with “The Today Show,” as NBC News London Bureau Chief and as CNN’s Vice-President and New York Bureau Chief.  She has produced programming from around the world and has covered major global news stories including the death of Princess Diana and 9-11 terrorist attacks on New York City.  

The conversation with Doug Ellin will be held at 6:30 p.m. at the Bossone Research Center Auditorium (3140 Market St.).  It is free and open to the public.


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