Model Making

November 13, 2012

Last year the Department of Architecture + Interiors held a very successful Model Making Workshop and we are offering it again on Saturday, November 3rd from 10 AM to 5 PM. At the workshop, Professors Paul Schultz and Erik Sundquist will teach you about model making tools and materials, as well as time saving tips and techniques. Students can work on current class models during the workshop. All Westphal Students are welcome to attend and the registration deadline is Friday, November 2nd, but please know that space is limited.

The Department of Architecture + Interiors will also be holding a Design Sketching Workshop on Saturday, November 10th from 10 AM to 4 PM. At the workshop, Professor Paul Schultz and Jeff Pastva will teach you how to diagram dynamic designs, quickly sketch perspectives, and effectively express environments. You are encouraged to bring your past or present projects to utilize during the workshop. The workshop is open to all Westphal students and the registration deadline is Thursday, November 8th. Again, space is limited. Both workshops will be at URBN Center’s 4th floor A+I open studios. If you are interested, email Alysson Cwyk at Please provide your name, Drexel email address, your major, and which workshop you want to attend. There will be a $20 workshop fee that will be reimbursed if you arrive on time and stay for the duration of the workshop.