Essential Visions

May 14, 2012

Essential Visions is an exciting new multiple-day event series in which students will explore ideas with the assistance of Paul Laseau, co-author of Visual Notes.

Paul will engage students and faculty in a series of workshops that present a set of tools and techniques with which to view their ongoing studies through sketching. Students will delve into Laseau’s work and methods through one of his seminal books on visual communication, Visual Notes. The first 150 participating students will be provided the author’s book for reading and discussion.

In addition, there will be an exhibit of student work displayed alongside Laseau’s and a public lecture. The lecture is on Tuesday May 1st at 6 PM in Bossone’s Mitchell Auditorium and the exhibition opening is immediately following in Nesbitt Hall’s Chapman Court (3215 Market St.). The student workshops are Wednesday, May 2nd, 9 AM – 12 PM or 3 – 6 PM, and Thursday, May 3rd, 3 – 6 PM. Students can attend one of the workshops and must sign-up to attend the lecture and choice of workshop by emailing Janice Lyons at Click here for further event details. This event is sponsored through the Good Idea Fund.