2012 Performance Charrette

March 7, 2012

This year’s 2012 performance charrette, DWELLING, will challenge Dance and Digital Media students to collaborate in a performance piece that transcends the boundaries of theater. During the weekend of April 26th - 29th students will work within a set of parameters to solve performance challenges involving digital media, theater, dance, and technology. The Drexel Armory will be transformed into a creative “home” for the site-specific choreography pieces that will be showcased on Sunday, April 29th at 6 PM at the final charrette performance. One piece from the performance will be selected for the Spring FreshDance Ensemble Show. 

On Wednesday, April 25th, we’ll kickoff the charrette with a workshop in the Armory on digital media and dance led by Nichole Canuso of Nichole Canuso Dance. Students from all disciplines are invited to participate. We are looking for dancers, choreographers, actors, and students working with digital media, electrical engineering, and music technology. Students must be able to commit to working intensively with their teams during the weekend of April 27th - 29th. Faculty from Dance and Digital Media will serve as mentors throughout the process. To sign-up for the charrette email Olive Prince at okp23@drexel.edu, you must register by April 16th.