Gallery at Ross Commons

January 24, 2012

The Gallery at Ross Commons, a small gallery space dedicated entirely to work created by our Art & Art History students, has just opened. The Gallery will feature worked created by juniors and seniors in painting, drawing, design and foundation courses. Each term, a new collection of work will be presented in the space, starting with paintings from Professor Bruce Pollock’s painting II class. This initiative was created in partnership with The Office of Student Life & Administrative Services. 

To celebrate, the gallery will host Fridays at Five, an opening reception on Friday, January 27th at 5 PM at Ross Commons (34th and Powelton Ave.). Sabrina’s Café will provide appetizers and light fare for guests. Twelve pieces will hang in the gallery with three more pieces featured in the adjoining Sabrina’s Café. Josh Weiss and Mark Stockton, Art & Art History Professors, are curating the exhibitions.  In the spring term, the Gallery will feature drawings from Professor Anda Dubinskis’ classes.