Neighborhood Roundtable

April 18, 2012

Working in partnership with a range of West Philadelphia community organizations, Drexel University recently initiated a set of community revitalization strategies along historic Lancaster Avenue. On April 20th from 11 AM – 2 PM, Drexel's Center for Mobilities Research and Policy will sponsor a community conversation about the role artists might play in these Powelton, Mantua and Belmont neighborhood enrichment efforts. Can artists be catalysts for change? How and under what conditions? What does ideal collaboration between artists, institutions and the Lancaster community look like?

Co-hosted by Mimi Sheller (Director, mCenter: The Center for Mobilities Research and Policy) and Hana Iverson (Director, the Neighborhood Narratives Project) with support from the Center for Creative Research at NYU, The Neighborhood Roundtable will provide an opportunity for neighborhood and community representatives to engage in creative conversations about these issues with renowned artist/activists, students and faculty.

Participants include: Lucy Kerman (Vice Provost for Community and Education), Liz Lerman (Artist, Founding Artistic Director Liz Lerman Dance Exchange, CCR Founding Fellow), Jawole Jo Willa Zohar (Artist, Founder and Artistic Director Urban Bushwomen, CCR Founding Fellow), Mark Christman (Representative from University City District: 38th Street/South), George Stevens (President of the new 21st Century Business Community Organization), and James Wright (Representative Peoples’ Emergency Center: 38th Street/North). The Roundtable takes place in Macalister Hall, Rm. 2019-2020, at the corner of 33rd & Chestnut. Please RSVP to