New Mad Dragon Release

March 17, 2011

Image of each band member

Local folk legends and MAD Dragon recording artists, The Spinning Leaves and Hezekiah Jones, have come together for a highly anticipated collaborative release that hit the streets, Tuesday, March 8 - The Spinning Leaves and Hezekiah Jones Performing as…Hezekiah Leaves & The Spinning Joneses. The music is presented as a single disc dual EP, with two sides consisting of seven songs each. Part one, entitled Hezekiah Leaves, generates a fun, electric and captivating sound while part two, The Spinning Joneses, is a dreamy, meditative acoustic set that explores the thoughts fears and sadness of our complex world.  The individual sounds of both bands are clearly heard, yet are so eloquently intertwined that an entirely new sound is created.  You can find more about the Spinning Leaves here and Hezekiah Jones here.

The album is the 22nd release by MAD Dragon Records, the student-run record label housed in our Music Industry program, and follows the fall release of hip-hop artist Kuf Knotz.  Kuf, Spinning Leaves and Hezekiah Jones performed earlier this month at the annual MAD Dragon concert at Mandell Theater, another event entirely organized by music industry students.  In addition to the success of the annual concert and the release of this latest record, MAD Dragon was also recently nominated for seven IMA awards in 2010, including two nominations for college label release of the year. IMA voting is open to all fans and we need your vote.  Please take a minute and click here to vote.