Charrettes Are Coming

March 2, 2011

 Spring means warmer weather and longer days and here at Westphal it also means our annual Performance and Design Charrettes are quickly approaching. A charrette is a collaborative activity where groups of people work intensely on a design activity.  For our 2nd annual Performance Charrette from April 8th through April 10th, students will participate in a creative challenge to develop a performance piece based on the theme WIRED. WIRED will give students 48 hours to integrate a set of parameters and to solve performance challenges that involve digital media, theater, dance, and technology. Students will be asked to test their limits and the audience will get to witness what unfolds in an innovative and unexpected performance at the Mandell Theater.  Students from all disciplines are invited to be a part of the Performance Charette and we are looking for dancers, choreographers, actors, and students working with digital media, electrical engineering, and music technology. Students will be mentored throughout the Charrette by Olive Prince, Dance professor, and Ted Artz, Digital Media professor, and must be able to commit to working intensively with their teams on the weekend of April 8-10th. On the evening of Wednesday, April 6th, we will kick off the Charrette with a workshop on digital media and dance led by MIRO Dance Theater at the Ellen Forman Dance Studio. The final performance will be open to the public on Sunday, April 10th at 4 PM. If you are up for the challenge please email Olive Prince at by March 30th, 2011.

The Annual Design Charrete is April 1st through April 4th and will ask students to take part in a creative challenge with the theme PATHS, PORTALS AND PLACES: RETHINKING THE DREXEL CAMPUS. The students will engage the Drexel master planning process and will have the opportunity to research, develop, document and present their design proposals. There will be a panel discussion open to the public on Friday, April 1st at 6 PM and students will present their proposals on Monday, April 4th. If you are interested in participating in the Design Charrette email your name to You will be emailed an official entry form to fill out and send back. Watch for more details about the Charrettes in future newsletter.