From Post-It to Prime Time

January 11, 2011

An Open Discussion with History Channel Development Executives: Three top development executives from the History Channel will be at Westphal, as a follow up to the visit of Nancy Dubuc, President of the History and Lifetime Networks. David McKillop, Senior Vice President of History Programming; Paul Cabana, History Executive Producer; and Russ McCarroll, History Executive Producer, will discuss the development process which the History Channel uses to bring a show from conceptual stages through production to broadcast. Our guests have also selected a number of student submitted pitches to which they’ll give feedback. For casual television viewers who like the History Channel or for those interested in the television industry, this 11 AM Rudman Institute for Entertainment Industry Studies event in Stein Auditorium (Nesbitt Hall) is an opportunity to learn more about how television networks operate.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011
11am – 1pm
Stein Auditorium, 111 Nesbitt Hall