8th Annual Art Auction

January 6, 2011

AAGA art auction showcaseThe Arts Administration Graduate Association (AAGA) will host their 8th Annual Art Auction. This fundraising event helps send Arts Administration graduate students to Arts Advocacy Day in Washington, D.C. This years’ Art Auction will be held Friday, February 25th at 7 PM in the gallery at 3401 Filbert Street. Tickets are $15 at the door and $10 in advance.  Beyond the great food, drinks and company, the night will offer dozens of works of art for guests to bid on in a silent auction.  Pieces range from paintings and photographs to sculpture, screen prints as well as various ticket packages to exciting cultural events, meals at top local eateries, and more.  This year Arts Advocacy Day is scheduled from April 4th & 5th. Click here for more information.