Losing is Winning

April 29, 2011

IMa Winner round logo

MAD Dragon Records, the student-run record label housed in our Music Industry program, has won the Independent Music Award (IMA) for College Label Release of the Year in two of the past three years and was nominated twice for this year’s awards. It is with great pleasure that we announce that MAD Dragon didn’t win, as we were beaten out for this prestigious award by two of our very talented Music Industry Students, Matthew Klein and Fred Knittel. Their album release, from artist Birdie Busch, “Everyone Will Take You In,”is this year’s IMA College Label Release of the Year. Birdie Busch is signed to Fred and Matthew’s Philadelphia-centric, vinyl record label, Be Frank Records.

MAD Dragon Records did win three IMA Awards this year, out of a total of seven nominations; Best Blues song from Toy Soldiers, Best Publicity Photo for The Swimmers and Best Live Photo for Hoots and Hellmouth.

The IMAs are the top national awards for college music recording programs and independently produced music and while the judges have made their decisions, voting is still open for fans to decide who they think deserve this year’s IMAs.  We need your vote.  Fan voting is open till July.  Vote by going to the IMA web site here.