New College Brochure

September 22, 2010

Front Cover of new college brochure

What better way to tell the world about our College than by showcasing the extraordinary work the students produce, and by having a student produce a beautiful book about it?

The new Westphal College view book was designed by Caitlin Guendelsberger, ‘10, in association with Graphic Design professors Sandy Stewart and Bill Rees. Caitlin won national and international awards for her undergraduate work in the Graphic Design program, and the College view book collaboration was a natural extension of the student/professor relationship. “Caitlin is entirely professional and extraordinarily talented. I’m glad we were able to work with her before other professional commitments take up all of her time,” said advisor Sandy Stewart, “Caitlin relocated to New York City after the project was completed. She is certainly a young designer to watch.” Click here [PDF] for a copy of the brochure.