DNews Scares You

October 29, 2010

Photograph of haunted prison with DNews logo Come October it seems like everywhere in our region there is a new Halloween attraction aiming to give children of all ages a yearly dose of fright and fun. In the next edition of DNews, our student-produced television news magazine show, producer Loren McFalls visits three haunted attractions with a classmate to find out which offers the best scares for the buck. Another story will explore Shady Brook Farms in Yardley, PA, a farm with pumpkin and apple picking, hayrides and a corn maze. Producer Jenn Delaney will explore Morris Arboretum's Scare Crow Walk which includes scarecrows designed by 30 different artisits. And high up on the thrills and chills factor will be a story on some of the saints and sinners buried at Laurel Hill Cemetery, a favorite Halloween haunt of Philadelphia residents. If you’re the type that tends to sleep with the light on, it won’t be all ghouls and goblins on DUTV on October 29th at 8 PM as there will also be a story on our Intercultural Journey’s event featuring Middle Eastern music, food and discourse on hope for peace in the troubled Mideast entitled Harmony, Hip-Hop and Hope: Shalom/Salaam. An interview with Barbara Sandonato, prima ballerina of the Pennsylvania Ballet, will also be included.

DUTV is part of the Paul F. Harron Studios in the Westphal College and receives generous support from the Kal and Lucille Institute for Entertainment Industry Studies. DUTV can be found on Comcast channels 54 or 62 and Fios channel 37 in nearly 400,000 home in the community. Click here for more information on DNews and DUTV.