Prima Ballerina Visits Drexel

October 14, 2010

Photo of ballerina shoes in use Barbara Sandonato was the founding and principal dancer of the Pennsylvania Ballet when it began in 1962. The prima ballerina will present a lecture demonstration on The Ballets of George Balanchine on Thursday, October 14th at 7 PM in the Mandell Theater. Barbara will speak about her experiences working with the legendary teacher and choreographer. Also, the students of the Barbara Sandonato School of Ballet will perform a lecture demonstration. Sandonato was Balanchine’s student at the School of American Ballet in New York. Balanchine, who served as the New York City Ballet’s master and principal choreographer, is known for his legendary choreography which fused the classic concepts of ballet with new ideas.

Event Details:  
What: The Ballets of George Balanchine: A Lecture-Demonstration featuring Barbara Sandonato
When: Thursday, October 14; 7 PM
Where: Mandell Theater (33rd and Chestnut Sts)
Cost: Free and open to the public
For more information, please e-mail Dr. Miriam Giguere at