Study Abroad Iceland

November 11, 2010

Photograph of a group of students in Iceland Westphal students have a wide array of exciting study abroad options that offer courses of study in London, Prague, Crete, Australia, Ireland, France, Italy and Iceland. In this newsletter we will focus on our Iceland program.

Applications are now being accepted for Drexel in Iceland 2011. Join Design & Merchandising Program Director, Anne Cecil, on a journey through the land of Fire & Ice. Explore global Youth Culture and learn how trends in music, fashion, design, architecture and interiors disseminate through Iceland, Europe and the United States. Emphasis is placed on exploring differences and similarities in business, lifestyle and design between Icelandic and American culture. While in Iceland, students will visit galleries, designers and retail establishments. Last year students visited Galleri Fold, a traditional to modern Icelandic art gallery; i8 Gallery, a modern art gallery; Gallery Kraum, an Icelandic design gallery; Rosa Helgasdottir, a women’s fashion designer and Smaralin and Kirnglan Malls. The trip coincided with the first ever Icelandic Fashion Week. Iceland is spectacularly beautiful and students will get to see the stunning Blue Lagoon, Golden Circle, Northern Lights and Reykjanes Peninsula.

The Iceland program is open to all students from the college. Students take a 1.5 credit online course, DSMR 399: Exploring Global Youth Culture, in both the Winter and Spring terms. The trip takes place over Spring Break 2011, March 20 -27, 2011. Students may also take the course even if on a co-op assignment and there’s no cost for such students as Drexel students are allowed to take one class per term for free while on co-op.

During their time in Iceland, students will complete industry visits and one workshop focusing on topics related to brand communication, retail and product development. Students will keep a journal with directed and non-directed entries. Students will also research and write a detailed article on a lifestyle topic. Click here for more information on the Drexel in Iceland: Spring Break Trip Program.