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November 11, 2010

Photograph of Rob Shuter with text next to him that reads Naughty But Nice, header on his columnAs a publicist, Rob Shuter represented some of the biggest names in entertainment including Jennifer Lopez, Jessica Simpson and Jon Bon Jovi, so he has always had the inside scoop on the latest celebrity gossip. Moving on from his successful career as a publicist, Shuter became executive editor of OK magazine and then a columnist for AOL’s celebrity gossip website  Rob’s column Naughty but Nice is one of the most widely read gossip columns in the business and gives all the gritty celebrity gossip to readers while providing commentary on the show business industry. Rob is routinely featured on the Today Show and CNN Headline News’s Joy Behar Show and launched his own show on November 6th on Mark Cuban's HDNet. Shuter will share his experiences on the sometimes twisted world of Hollywood during a talk tonight, November 11th at 7 PM in Ruth Auditorium.  
Rob’s conversation about the life of a celebrity journalist will be the first event of the year for the Kal and Lucille Rudman Institute for Entertainment Industry Studies. The Rudman Institute is now under the leadership of new executive director Karen Curry. Curry has worked extensively in broadcast journalism with the Today Show, as NBC News London Bureau Chief and as CNN’s Vice-President and New York Bureau Chief. She has produced programming from around the world and has covered major global news stories including the death of Princess Diana and 9-11 terrorist attacks on New York City.